WOD: Tuesday 211026

Hope school is going well for you Shannon! Keep up the hard work!

Coaching Notes:

For the handstand push-ups today, we are looking at developing stamina here and the ability to handle bigger sets within a workout. By isolating this and challenging athletes to go with unbroken sets we are forcing an adaptation through overload of muscular stamina. We are not challenging just total reps within the 7 minutes, but the type of sets where muscular stamina plays and even bigger role. For the conditioning piece today, we built out a simple combination of movements that is focused on continuing to build that stamina by adding volume with similar movement patterns. The Ski Erg and GHD are very similar as is the pushup, wall walk, and for that matter the handstand pushups that came before the workout. The goal here is around 5 rounds, which means steady pacing and smart sets.

Points of Performance:

-Handstand Push-ups: Of most importance is maintenance of midline. We want to looks for that quality press position, activation of lats, and neutral spine as we press to the top of the handstand.

-GHD Sit-ups: soft knee on extension and straightening legs to utilize hamstrings on flexion.

-Push-ups and Wall Walks: Again midline stabilization here. Chest and hips rise and fall at the same time on the pushup. For the Wall Walk we want to keep belly off the wall and as we get close to the wall press through into an active hollow position with biceps covering ears.

Scaling Considerations:

Today, we would really like to see athletes tackle some form of handstand pushups. From the box to the pike handstand pushup, anything that gets them challenging their positions and working on a quality bodyweight overhead press is ideal. For the ski erg, we should sub the row first, for the GHD Sit-ups we can move to a bench GHD Sit-up or 20 abmat sit-ups. Our ideal scale for the push-up would be a band assisted pushup to keep athletes with quality movement and moving as a moving plank position.

Gymnastics Strength:

7min AMRAP:

10 Unbroken Kipping Handstand Push-ups

-- or --

5 Unbroken Strict Handstand Push-ups

"No One's Ready"

16min AMRAP:

15/12 Ski Erg Calories or 15/12 Cal Row

15/12 Push-ups

15 GHD Sit-ups 2 Wall Walks


4 rounds for quality of:

Sandbag Carry, pick load

100 ft Sled Push, pick load

100 ft Reverse Sled Drag, pick load, 100 ft

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