WOD: Wednesday 211027
You know a workout will have a bit of an attitude when there is rest in the middle of it.
Coaching Notes:
The focus today is on an intensity that feels like 80-85% steady effort with movement efficiency and quality through the barbell cycling patterns. Work on brace and breath throughout. Grip will be a limiter here, so manage your sets and rests appropriately. These two barbell movements are at the loads that fall within the moderate load domain. This means that classically they will create and anaerobic response and spike the heart rate. By focusing on breath and bracing today we can start to learn how to manage these more. Have athletes utilize the barbell primer to practice their strategy today and decide on the appropriate rep scheme to utilize during the workout.
Points of Performance:
-On the Deadlift we are looking at maintaining midline and watching for hips and chest to rise at the same time as athletes press the ground away and hinge towards the top of the lift.
-For the Hang Power Clean, watch for straight arms when athletes reset at the hip before starting there next rep. Also look for full extension of the hip, standing the bar back up before starting the next rep and getting the elbows all the way through to a good quality front rack position.
Scaling Considerations:
The biggest thing we need to focus on today is the barbell cycling component and making sure that we focus on quality positions, correct loading, and the ability to catch in a quality front rack position.
For those that have issues pulling from the floor we can pull off blocks or work from weight plates to raise the ground a bit. We can also move to DBs and do DB RDLs to work on reducing the range of motion as well. This would work well for both the deadlifts and cleans to allow for a quality workout while reducing specific stressors.
“Wedding Season”
For time: 3 rounds of:
Run, 400 m
15 Deadlifts 225/155 lbs
Farmers Carry, 70/50 lbs 100 ft
-- Rest 5 mins --
3 rounds of:
Run 400 m
15 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs
Farmers Carry, 70/50 lbs, 100 ft
3 rounds of:
15 Ring Hamstring Curls
15 Reverse Hypers, pick load
Max effort Sorenson Hold