WOD: Tuesday 211228
Hope you had a great Christmas Diane.
Points of Performance & Coaching Cues:
-High Hang Power Snatch: Bar close and drive chest tall as you pull under the bar. We want to see a firm punch and quick feet today.
-Deadlift: Drive through the floor and keep the bar close. Good cue here is to imagine holding a credit card in your armpit to help focus on engaging the lats.
Scaling Considerations:
-For the high hang power snatch we don’t need to worry about too many scaling considerations as the movement itself is where we would want to start any lifting on the snatch. If the athlete has shoulder concerns going to a single db snatch or a high hang power clean would be the best approach today.
-For the deadlifts, let's first consider a sumo deadlift, then look at a hex bar deadlift, and after that we can then think about a block deadlift or Romanian deadlift.
Every 1 min for 10 mins:
3 High Hang Power Snatches, pick load
Increase to a 3 rep max for the day.
Strength: Deadlifts and Tempo Ring Dips
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5, using heaviest weight per set
Tempo Ring Dip 5-5-5-5-5 Rest 2 mins
Tempo Ring Dips- 33X1
Alternate movements for 5 sets of each, resting 2 mins between rounds.
3 rounds of:
15 Feet Elevated Parallette Push-ups
20 Banded Tricep Extensions
10 L/10 R Single Leg Hip Extensions
Max effort Hamstring Plank