WOD: Wednesday 211229
Did Santa bring everything that you asked for Craig?
Points of Performance & Coaching Cues:
-Burpee Bar Muscle-ups: Place your feet exactly where you would want to jump into the kip today to make sure it is a quick transition from the burpee directly into the muscle-up. For the muscle-up portion focus on pressing away from the bar and then pressing down on the bar as you pull your body around the bar.
-Double Unders: Hands at the sides, right by the pockets. Eyes out and down, looking about 4 feet out in front of you. Focus on jumping hire and rhythmically as you think “hit hit” for each double under.
-Row: We are going fast today, so work on a sprint start to get the flywheel going quickly as we move into a sprint finish to each set.
Scaling Considerations:
-We have a lot of ways to tackle this one. We can hit the burpee bar muscle-up as 8 burpees then go into 8 banded bar muscle-ups or 8 box bar muscle-ups. We could also go to the burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups or burpee pull-ups, and finally progressing down to a burpee jumping pull-up would be a great modification for the majority.
-For the double unders and the row, the main considerations we should think about are volume first and then going to single unders next.
-Machine Subs:
Ski Erg Calories/Bike Erg Calories- same
22/17 Assault Bike Calories
20/15 Echo Bike Calories
3 rounds, each round for time, of:
8 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
72 Double Unders
24/18 Row Calories
Goal: 3-5 mins per round (17-23 mins running time)
Time cap: 25 mins
5 rounds for quality of:
5 Weighted Strict Pull-ups, pick load
10 Banded Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
15 Dumbbell Bicep Curls, pick load