WOD: Tuesday 220201
Shout out to Tor for still making the gym apart of her routine all while pregnant. Hope these last few weeks are easy on you.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Snatch Complex: Focus on the bar staying close, driving the elbows high and outside and pulling the body under the bar as we punch into the receive position.
-Bar Muscle-up: Work on engaging the lats and having the arch to hollow position create the movement that allows for the hips to get to the bar rather than a pull with the arms. Too many people focus on pulling when they should think about the body mechanics and actually pressing themselves away from the bar then over the bar by pressing down.
-Devil Press: Ideally we work to bring the dumbbells between the hips on the way up like a heavy kettlebell swing rather than swinging the dumbbells on the outside of the body. So place the dumbbells on the ground at about shoulder width. Hit the deck then jump the feet outside the dumbbells and then swing the dumbbells close together to initiate hip extension.
-Toes-to-bars: Very similar to the bar muscle-up, where the focus is on the lats and the arch to hollow position of the body.
-Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunges: Focus to elevate shoulder blades and continue to press hard into the dumbbell as we lunge across the floor.
• Scaling Considerations
-Snatch Complex: We want to keep the integrity of the stimulus today and still have athletes work through some work on the snatch if they don’t have any injury concerns or limitations. A good way to work this one for newer athletes would be to hit a hang power snatch + overhead squat for 2 reps on each set and progress on weight only as form allows.
-Bar Muscle-ups: We want to go to a consistent option here that allows athletes to work through in manageable sets. Normally we like the burpee pull-up as an option, however with the burpee box jump overs yesterday and the devil press today, will yield a little too much overload on that pattern. So scale is chest-to-bar pull-ups for 22 reps, then regular pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, or toenail spot pull-ups.
-Devil Press: The biggest issue here would be the lower back and shoulders, so scaling to a kettlebell swing to limit hyperextension into flexion could really help and coupling that with push-ups.
-Toes-to-bars: Alternating toes-to-bars, then knees-to-elbows, then strict knee raises.
1x [ 1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat ], pick load
Every 1:30 for 12 mins.
Start 60-65%.
"Pillars of Hercules"
2 rounds for time of:
11 Bar Muscle-ups
11 Devil Press, 50/35 lbs
22 Toes-to-bars
Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 100 ft
Time domain: 12-15 mins
Time cap: 18 mins
4 rounds for quality of:
15 Feet Elevated Inverted Rows
Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry, pick load, 50 ft
Weighted Plank, pick load, 1 min