WOD: Tuesday 221101
Golly, didn’t know that John Rambo worked out with us.
• Daily Focus
The focus today is definitely on leg strength and stamina. We are tackling our 20 rep back squat progression at loads just a bit heavier than last week, we will then take the barbell to the floor and work on our weightlifting technique with the high hang squat clean + squat clean. This shouldn't take us too long to go over or to work up to loads as the weights are supposed to be relatively light. We then unload weight and set-up the conditioning piece which is all about that sprint style pace. Ideally we are looking for athletes to be under 2:30 on the Echo Bike/Assault Bike, unbroken on the thrusters, and unbroken on the dual kettlebell front rack walking lunge.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Back Squats: Brace through the midline. Create global tension and a full 360 degree breath on each rep.
-Scale: Best way to scale the squat today would be to utilize a box squat. This will reduce stress on the knees and lower back. We could also go to a Bulgarian split squat, weighted step-up, or some other unilateral modification if the lower back is the issue.
Echo Bike or Assault Bike Subs:
50/40 Row/Bike Erg/Ski Erg Calories
Thruster: We want to see the barbell on a good front rack position with the elbows out and in front of the bar. Work to keep vertical out of the squat and drive forcefully through the ground to create a strong vertical drive on the bar.
-Scale: We can move to dumbbell thrusters or lighten the load today to work on better form and maintain a high cycle rate.
Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunge: Work on a quality set-up and clean to the shoulders, then keep everything tight and engaged with a quality rack position and the knuckles touching at the collar bone. Brace and press through the floor on each step. We want the hips to come to extension clearly before the next rep.
-Scale: We can scale to a farmers carry lunge, goblet lunge, or a bodyweight lunge.
Back Squat 1x20
Take 8 mins to build to your weight and then complete 1x20 at 60% 1RM +5-10 lbs from last week.
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 65% 1RM
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 65% 1RM
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 65% 1RM
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 70% 1RM
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 70% 1RM
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 70% 1RM
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 75% 1RM
1x [ 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean ], 75% 1RM
MetCon: "Little Green Bag"
For time:
50/35 Assault Bike Calories
30 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs
Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 53/35 lbs, 150 ft
Time domain 5-7 mins
Time cap: 10 mins
4 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Front Rack Box Step-ups, pick load
15 Deficit Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts, pick load
10 L/10 R Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrusts, pick load