WOD: Monday 221031
Starting the week off right with some Snatchy Snatchies.
• Daily Focus
Today, the focus will be on the power snatch. We will be working towards technical proficiency and speed through the middle with the high hang and hang power snatch. This should enforce really good turnover and speed on the barbell. We will then move the barbell to the floor for barbell cycling of the full power snatch with the idea of hitting the same positions on the way up that we just practiced. So, take your athletes to the floor and work on the floor to knee position and focus on pushing through the floor. The rest of the EMOM is very conditioning biased and has high cyclic rate movements.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Weightlifting Complex: We will start off in the high hang position with the focus on keep the dip and drive vertical with the bar close and a fast turnover, then we will move to the hang with the focus of finding that hang position above the knee that allows for loading of the hamstrings while keeping lats tight. We will then be moving through the hip and thinking about jumping through the bar. We like to think about it as a violent brush rather than a bang on the bar.
-Scale: Today this is a very good starting point for a lot of athletes in order to learn the power snatch, but if the barbell creates limitations or is intimidating we can move to 3 L/3 R dumbbell hang snatch and increase weight as the athlete feels out the movement.
Power Snatches: We want to work on barbell cycling patterns here and keeping the barbell close while also keeping the chest tall as we move to the floor. For the hang position we want to keep the same idea but work the barbell only to the knee then back through the hip before coming overhead.
-Scale: Go to hang power snatches and or lighten the load. We could also go to American kettlebell swings or alternating dumbbell snatches for those that are limited with a barbell in their hands.
Row Calories: Get the rower moving quickly and then work on a steady state long stroke. Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish.
-Scale: Any machine of choice.
Bar Facing Burpees: Stay low to the bar and jump feet laterally close to the bar before jumping over the bar and rotating.
-Scale: Scale to a traditional burpee or a box elevated burpee.
Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.
-Scale: 75 singles for doubles or 50 running singles.
Every 1 min for 8 mins.
1x [ 2 High Hang Power Snatches + 2 Hang Power Snatches ], pick load
Starting at 60% 1RM and increasing by feel.
MetCon: "Rumble"
Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between:
Max rep Row Calories
11 Bar Facing Burpees
50 Double Unders
11 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
5 rounds for quality of:
8 Pike Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Handstand Hold, 30 secs
12 Bent Over Reverse Flies, pick load