WOD: Tuesday 230725
Chest Day. Best Day. Twice in two weeks? We’re eating good.
• Daily Focus
The focus today is on upper body muscular endurance and stamina with a pushing overload / interference style workout. The goal here is to combine a more static style strength movement with the Bench Press with a plyometric style movement to work a little bit of contrast training into the mix during our “deload” week. This should enhance neuromuscular coordination and speed of contraction. Spend some time talking through the warm-up and hitting the key points with the note that it should be done in 10 mins or less. We want this in order to allow for true 1:1 work to rest for the workout. This will increase intensity for each set, but keep overall RPE down to closer to a 7/10 rather than a 8-9/10 if we were to reduce the rest between sets. For class management, we planned this out to do with a partner, where the partner does one full round before the next partner attacks the other set.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
-Bench Press: Engage the lats and mid back by focusing on breaking the bar and pulling the bar down to you. The Bench Press should be initiated through the shoulders and mid back and rather than just focusing on the chest/pecs being the primary mover. Substitute a floor press, dumbbell bench press, or tall kneeling double landmine press, in order to work on a horizontal pressing motion that is more adaptable for those with shoulder mobility issues.
Burpee Box Jump Overs: These should be box facing today and we are looking at staying close to the box and low across with a 2 foot takeoff and 2 foot landing. For this one we want to move to burpee step-ups first and then next to burpees to target, and finally just scale to a traditional burpee.
metcon: "The Anvil"
3 sets, each set for time:
9-7-5-3 reps of:
Burpee Box Jump Over, 24/20 in
Bench Press, 155/105 lbs
Rest 1:1 between each set.
3 rounds for quality of:
Ring Support Hold, 15 secs
15 Banded Face Pulls
15 Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Flies, pick load