WOD: Wednesday 230726
Time to get ‘Rowdy’ today.
• Daily Focus
Today, we are getting into a fun little primer of a Clean and Jerk Complex today to start things off. This is meant to target specific points and keep touches on the barbell as we get into our 1RM test at the beginning of next week. We will then be moving into a 2 round workout that feels a little bit more like a chipper than a 2 round for time workout. The goal here is to hit a challenging workout and good combination of movements without overloading anything in order to allow the body to recover and adapt this week.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
-Run: Pull off the ground and keep the chest tall with a neutral spine. Create tension by pulling your pelvis under your torso and work to keep a quick cadence. Run Machine Subs / per 200 m: 15/12 Cal Row/Ski/Bike Erg, 13/9 Cal Echo Bike, 14/11 Cal Assault Bike, 20/16 Cal Airdyne
-Wall Balls: Elbows should stay in front of the body and hip crease needs to pass below parallel. Focus on a good dynamic drive with tension out of the hole as we release the ball. Let's first move to reduce the weight, then secondly reduce the height of the target, and thirdly we can move to light thrusters.
-Toes-to-bars: We are focused on maintaining an active shoulder position as we move through the hollow position to the arched position. Focus to press away from the bar to create space that will allow for compression of the midline and the toes to come to the bar. We should look to keep the dynamic positions today when scaling, so moving to an alternating toe to bar or kipping knee to elbow / knee to chest would be ideal in order to maintain fluid dynamics. The next scale would be to move to a strict knee raise or knee to elbow, specifically for those with shoulder or back issues.
Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk: Cycle the DB between the legs by popping through the hips to the shoulder and then extending at the hip and punching under the DB. The DB should finish over the midline of the body with the bicep by the ear and the elbow locked out. The biggest scale for this one would just be to scale the load, or scale to a SA DB Hang Clean if the overhead position is a problem.
Every 2 mins for 10 mins.
1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk ], pick load
Split jerk with 5 sec pause in catch. Holding between 60-70%.
metcon: "Rowdy"
2 rounds for time of:
Run, 600 m
36 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
24 Toes-to-bars
12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks, 70/50 lbs
Time domain: 14-17 mins
Time cap: 20 mins
3 rounds for quality of:
10 Reverse Nordic Curls
12 Anterior Tib Raises
Wall Sit, 1 min