WOD: Tuesday 240604

Who doesn’t love burpees?

• Coaching Notes

our greater community to get involved together and have everyone jump in and hit this workout. The goal here is to get the greater community involved and excited about everyone hitting the workout today and putting up their scores. This is why the workout feels a little bit more like a tester workout than most. Bring the energy to your class today and have athletes really get ready to tackle this one and have fun with it.

We will be starting off today with a Strict Press + Push Press strength progression with the goal of building to a Heavy 4 on Strict Press, but not too heavy that you can’t complete the 4 Push Press directly after. The idea here is that the Push Press almost works as a drop set of sorts and gives us that dynamic speed and power contrast to our absolute strength movements like we have done with the plyo work for the Back Squat and Deadlift. The warm-up today should help prep and prime things as we move into the overhead press strength work.

We should spend a little time today going over the specifics for the Devils Press and Chest to Bar prior to the workout and make sure athletes have a good understanding of their ideal workout for the day based on the level they are at. Have fun and tag us on socials with #TEAMPRVN.


Every 2 mins for 8 mins.

1x [ 4 Strict Press + 4 Push Press ], 75%+

metcon: “Vice Grip"

For time: 8 rounds of:

4 Dumbbell Devil Press, 50/35 lbs

7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

-- then --

40 Lateral Burpee Over Dumbbells

Goal: 13:00-15:00


4 rounds for quality of:

6 Box Pike Handstand Push-ups

16 Alternating Gorilla Rows, pick load

20 Banded Face Pulls

WOD Postalex burgyWOD