WOD: Wednesday 240605

Hi Stacy.

• Coaching Notes

We have a fun one on the docket today with a little combination of Back Squats with Depth Jump to Box Jumps working on reactivity and absolute strength in a contrast style strength session. The goal here is to have 4 working sets here at over 80%. Leading into this strength session we should go through the targeted mobility and activation work, which will get us more than ready to tackle the Back Squats well and hit a heavy 4 rep up to possibly that 87-88% range. Remember that the goal is having athletes really hit the 3 rep next week.

We can then transition quickly into the 20:00 AMRAP “Wall-E” The focus here is to hold a strong sustainable pace throughout the entire workout with an extra focus to start more conservatively and build throughout the workout. We understand that there will be some interference here with the quads and midline, so be sure to think about being steady through the Wall Balls and GHD Sit-Ups as to not blast your quads right from set one.


Every 2:30 mins for 10 mins do:

4 Back Squats, 80%+ 1RM

3 Depth Drop + Box Jumps, pick height

metcon: "Wall-E"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:

Run, 400 m

30 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft

20 GHD Sit-ups

Goal: 4-5 Rounds


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:

5 Hollow Roll-to-V-ups

8 Ring Body Saws

10 Plank Hip Twists

WOD Postalex burgyWOD