WOD: Tuesday 240730
Is it zen or just trying not to hurl while do GHDs?
• Coaching Notes
Gymnastics skills are on the table today and we are getting inverted. The focus will be on the Handstand Hold to start, finding some drills or progressions we can practice for the 5:00 or just accumulating time Freestanding for those that are efficient or against the wall for those that need the time accumulated in perfect positions. We will then move into a midline and upper focused session here with the GHD Sit-Up + Run + Handstand Walk. This has shdes of the style of workouts we see at the Games with a heavy emphasis on midline stability before moving into Handstand Walking, which is the reason for the style of work here. A note that the time domain here may be a bit tight and that is okay, we are looking for limited rest and repeatable efforts.
5:00 AMRAP
-Freestanding Handstand Hold
Score = Time
Score = Reps (1sec = 1 Rep)
Scale: Wall Facing Handstand Hold
metcon: "Midline Run"
Every 3:00 x 5 Sets
15 GHD Sit-Ups
200m Run
25ft (7.5m) Handstand Walk*
*Increase Handstand Walk by 5ft (1.5m) Each Set
For Quality:
4 Big Sets
10 Dual Dumbbell Chest Flies, Moderate Load
20 Barbell Strict Press, Light and Fast
:30 Straight Arm Weighted Plank