WOD: Wednesday 240731
• Coaching Notes
The focus today will be on a longer 24:00 AMRAP with the goal of hitting a hard target and pace for 24:00 minutes. This is a long time for this style of workout, which means you should treat it more like an EMOM rather than a straight AMRAP. In all effective purposes, it was almost written that way, but want athletes to find a better pacing strategy for themselves. Focus to go out and move at a consistent pace, tackling the Echo Bike and Row relatively quickly at around 80-85% effort before hitting the Dumbbell movements and Box Jump Overs. For the Sumo Deadlifts, the Dumbbells need to be between the feet and we are looking for a more upright torso than a traditional Deadlift, so focus there to prime athletes prior to getting into the workout.
metcon: "Pumba"
24:00 AMRAP
15/11 Cal Bike
18 Dual Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift
12/9 Cal Row
18 Renegade Rows
12 Box Jump Overs
Box Height 24/20''
Dumbbells: 50/35lb, 22.5/16kg
For Load
4 Sets,
100ft (30m) Farmers Carry
100ft (30m) Reverse Sled Drag
100ft (30m) Sled Push