WOD: Tuesday 240813

Only way to get through the bike is to smile through it.

• Coaching Notes

The focus today will be on gymnastics development and working our way into some specific progressions for the Ring Muscle-Up. We are looking for coaches to go through a quality warm-up that is quick and to the point, which will allow the time for more specifics working into Ring Muscle-Up progressions and teaching components. Do not sleep on the GHD Sit-Up either as there are some real key points to set-up here that can allow for higher quality movement and mitigate lower back pain. We can shorten the range of motion or adjust to v-ups or medball weighted sit-ups to build in a similar stimulus today. The goal is to hit each set fast, effective, and finish with a quality unbroken set of Ring Muscle-Ups. The primary objective is development of the Ring Muscle-Up or a strength progression thereof in order to move athletes closer to their goals. If they do not have goals of a Ring Muscle-Up and are more concerned about general health and well being, having the option of Strict Pull-Ups and Dips is a great alternative.

metcon: "Taking it to the Bank"

6 rounds, each round for time, of:

21/15 Bike Calories

15 GHD Sit-ups

5 Ring Muscle-up

Rest 2 mins between each round.

Goal: Complete each set in under 2:30/set

Time Cap: 30:00


4 rounds for quality of:

5 Tempo Strict Pull-ups

Ring Support Hold, 20 secs

10 Dumbbell Zottman Curls, pick load

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