WOD: Monday 240812
Best way to start off the week is with some Back Squats.
• Coaching Notes
We are starting off the cycle with one of our benchmark strength tests for the cycle with the 3RM Back Squat. We just tested the 1RM Front Squat on Friday of the previous week so this should give us a good goal to shoot for with our 3RM Back Squat. The emphasis with the cycle we are about to hit will be cluster sets on Back Squat with the emphasis on a little more volume percentage work in that 80% range. We will then need to transition to getting athletes opened up and ready for the Power Snatch + Back Rack Reverse Lunge combo here as it will pack a punch and lead to some tired legs and shoulders. We love the Back Rack Reverse Lunge here as it creates a great amount of stability and control through the midline as well as great hip flexor and quad strength.
strength: back squats
Every 3 mins for 15 mins.
3 Back Squats, @ 70%+
The goal is to end at close to 90% for close to or at a 3RM for the Day. If you add 5% on each set you will end at 90%. If you are feeling good today, add a little more on the first few sets to set yourself up with the opportunity to hit close to 95%
metcon: "Roaring Toddler"
As many reps as possible in 8 mins of:
6 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
12 Back Rack Reverse Lunges, 95/65 lbs
8 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
12 Back Rack Reverse Lunges, 95/65 lbs
10 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
12 Back Rack Reverse Lunges, 95/65 lbs ...
Continue adding 2 Power Snatch reps each round until time expires.
Goal: ~5 Rounds (Round of 14 Snatches)
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Single Leg GHD Hip Extensions
Weighted Sorenson Hold, pick load, 30 secs
Side Star Plank Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs