WOD: Tuesday 240820

• Coaching Notes

We are hitting our Back Squat progression today which is a fun little contrasting strength session with Heavier Back Squats and then some speed reps with a heavy Goblet Squat done 30 seconds after the set of 6. This will help to prime the workout as well as add good mechanical work to the squat as well as enhance the central nervous system drive with some speed squats out of the hole. If we are working with a partner this should be an easy flow with the weights being adjusted after the Back Squat and ideally using a similar Kettlebell load.


Every 3 mins for 12 mins do:

6 Back Squats, pick load

Rest 30 secs

6 Goblet Squats, pick load

Back Squats- @ 70-75% of 3RM

Goblet Squat- 4-6 reps for speed.

metcon: "The Wheat Fields"

As many reps as possible in 12 mins of:

10 Pull-ups

15 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs

20/15 Row Calories

15 Pull-ups

15 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs

20/15 Row Calories

20 Pull-ups

15 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs

20/15 Row

Calories ... Continue adding 5 Pull-up reps each round until time expires.


3 rounds for quality of:

9 Barbell Bicep Reverse Curls, pick load

12 Shoulder Press Behind The Necks, pick load

15 Tall Kneeling Banded Lat Pull Downs

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