WOD: Tuesday 240917

• Coaching Notes

Today, we are tackling the 3 rep Hang Snatch again with the focus on building consistency from the last time we hit this. Remember we are working to a max here in our testing week at the end of the cycle, so for this we should be keeping a little in the tank and not going for broke here. Dial in speed, power and mechanics through the lift for our athletes today prior to getting into the main sets. The focus should be on speed through the middle, extension and a powerful punch underneath the bar in the third pull. For our newer athletes to the lift, let's move them to 5 reps of a Hang Power Snatch + 2-3 Overhead Squats to build consistency and mechanics.

We will then get into a burner of a 7:00 AMRAP with the focus of hitting a solid pace from the start with the emphasis being on the overhead squats and trying to stay steady through the burpees. Optimal scaling today would be overhead lunges or moving to front squats for the overhead squats and adjusting to lateral burpee step-overs on the bar.


Every 2:30 x 5 Sets

3 Hang Snatch @ 75%+ of 1RM Snatch

Build to a heavy 3 @ around 8 RPE on the Day

metcon: "Sonic Boom"

7:00 AMRAP


Overhead Squat

Lateral Burpees over the Bar

Barbell: 135/95lb


For Quality:

4 Sets

5/5 Paloff Press w/ Rotation

5/5 Parallel Medicine Ball Rotational Throw

5/5 Single Leg Rotational Broad Jump

WOD Postalex burgyWOD