WOD: Wednesday 210721
A perfectly executed hollow rock by none other than Christy.
Whiteboard Brief
- Metcon: Today we're starting week 1 of a 4 week aerobic progression. 15s of high output, then 45s of easy output for a total of 8 minutes before you move onto the next piece and repeat. Finishing our session with a Crossbody Carry AMRAP and of course extra credit.
Gymnastic 10min EMOM:
Tap Swings 20-30s
10 Supermans + 20 Banded Facepulls
Rowing Intervals
8 x 15s hard/45s easy.
Rest 60s then go to "D"
Bike Intervals
8 x 15s hard/45s easy.
- Both A/B should be tough but doable. This is week 1 of an aerobic progression. This will be done over the next 4 weeks.
Crossbody Carry
AMRAP 7 x 60 yards.
- Goal: 4 sets - loading should be challenging.
Hinged Back Band Abduction
3 x 8-10 each. Rest 60s.