WOD: Wednesday 230510

Raise your hand if you love CrossFit!

• Daily Focus

Today we are working into a well rounded overall day with the emphasis on the posterior chain and lower body in general. We will start things off with our final day before we move towards a 1 rep max deadlift with a 4x2 at 90% 1RM. Note that this is a heavy day and those that have not been hitting each deadlift day should probably work more in the range of 4x2 at 80+% 1RM and possibly build to 90% 1RM rather than stay at 90% 1RM across. This also means we need more time to work up to 90% prior to start the clock so make sure to allow time for this in the overall planning of the day. We will then move into a conditioning piece that will create a good amount of quad pump and breathing fatigue. Luckily it does not take a lot of time to warm-up, so we should be able to get right to it after cleaning up the deadlift weights. The focus today would be maintaining big sets on the dumbbell and going unbroken on the lunges.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Row Calories: Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish. The chain should stay in a straight chain path throughout the entire drive phase as we finish hard at the sternum. Finishing higher or lower on the body is not ideal and should be worked to be avoided. If needed, scale the row to calorie Ski Erg or Assault Bike. If we move to an Echo Bike drop the calories by 10%.

Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: Keep the dumbbell close to the body on the way up as well as on the way down. Switching either above your head or on the way down will limit excess stress on the lower back as we can keep better tension at the floor if we are switching there and unloading before hitting our next rep. We will move to a hang alternating dumbbell snatch and lighten the load today or we can move to a Russian kettlebell swing if the shoulders are acting up.

Echo Bike Calories: Work to keep the body moving forward rather than side to side. Focus on the push/pull with the arms and pressing down through the legs. Scaling to an Assault Bike for 24/18 calories or a Bike Erg for 25/20 calories would be the move today.

Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunges: Work on a quality set-up and clean to the shoulders, then keep everything tight and engaged with a quality rack position and the knuckles touching at the collar bone. Brace and press through the floor on each step. We want the hips to come to extension clearly before the next rep. Scale to dual dumbbell front rack walking lunges, or move to suitcase style carry, or lighten the load completely and hit up a bodyweight walking lunge.


Every 3 mins for 12 mins.

2 Deadlifts, 90% 1RM

metcon: "Kashmir"

2 rounds for time of:

25/20 Row Calories

30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs

Assault Bike for 24/18 calories

Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunge, 53/35 lbs, 50 ft

Time domain: 9-13 mins

Time cap: 15 mins


4 rounds for quality of:

Star Plank, L 20 secs/R 20 secs

Weighted Sorenson Hold, pick load, 40 secs

15 L/15 R Poliquin Step-ups, pick load