WOD: Wednesday 240221
Try and make sure you’re this happy during Snatches today.
• Coaching Notes
We have a fun little open esc style workout here with the weight escalating as we get through the rounds on this workout. For the first 4 rounds or so this workout is meant to be very manageable with the Box Jump Overs being the primary thing slowing athletes down. Once we hit rounds 5+ the weight increases to a number that will start to make athletes slow down between reps and the workout shifts to being primarily a Power Snatch workout. We will start off the day with a barbell primer of sorts with the focus on keeping the bar close and driving through the ground as we move from a muscle snatch into a low hang power snatch. Remember that the low hang position is dictated as 2 inches below the knees which will help athletes focus on staying over the bar while engaging their hamstrings. Lean into coaching the Snatch today and getting athletes to feel competent and ready going into the Open this next week.
Every 1 min for 8 mins.
1x [ 1 Muscle Snatch + 1 Low Hang Power Snatch ], pick load
Suggested starting load at 40% of 1RM Snatch.
Metcon: "Escalator"
As many reps as possible in 13 mins of:
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 135/95 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 135/95 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 155/105 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 155/105 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 185/125 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 185/125 lbs
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
1 Wall Walk
3 Power Snatches, 185/125 lb
5 Box Jump Overs, 30/24 in
3 rounds for quality of:
Weighted Plank Hold, pick load, 1 min
Hollow Hold, 30 secs
Copenhagen Plank, L 15 secs/R 15 secs