WOD: Thursday 210204

Man performing KB swing

Whiteboard Brief

– Strength: Today we are focusing on good footwork technique in the Split Jerk. For beginners, it might be more appropriate to practice the fundamentals of the Jerk by performing a Push Jerk rather than a Split. It’s possible for people to have their elbows up in a front rack, but still have a rounded upper back, that’s why ”Elbows up AND out” is a great cue to make sure you have your upper back in the best possible position here. Watch for two common mistakes during the dip, lifting the heels and dropping the elbows. Then we’ll be accumulating some volume of Muscle-ups, with plenty of scaling options.

– Metcon: our Metcon today is a chipper, focus on clean reps of the barbell movements and break sets as needed so your form is on point and you don’t burn-out. Shoot for under 12:00 minutes. Don’t ”press-out” on the Power Snatch, we want to make this movement more of an explosive hip drive and catch vs. a shoulder press. Try to ”keep your knuckles facing front as long as possible” so you can’t get your palm under the bar to press out the lift.

A) Split Jerk

7 sets of 2-3 reps, adding weight to each set if form permits. Perform each set on a 90-sec clock.
– L1: Push Jerk

B) Ring Muscle-up Practice

10 minutes of practice. Options…

Accumulate 25 reps
Accumulate 15 reps
10 Ring MU Transition + 3-5 Ring Dips each set

30 Ring Rows + 30 Box Push-ups

For time

30 Hang Power Snatch (115/80)
15/12 Strict Pull-ups (Rx+ 5 Legless Rope Climbs)
30 Push Press (same weight)
15/12 Strict Pull-ups (Rx+ 5 Rope Climbs w. legs)
– Goal: Sub 12:00 – break sets of HPS/PP into two sets – these should be light.

L2: (95/65) (Assisted Ring Pull-ups or Band Assisted)
L1: (50 alt DB Snatch total 25s/10s) (Assisted Ring Pull-ups or Band Assisted) (DB Push Press)

Banded Pushdowns with an underhand grip

3 x 25. Rest 60s.

Banded Pushdowns with an underhand grip

WOD PostJosh EarleywineWOD