WOD: Friday 210820
Kim looks ready to hit a new Split Jerk PR today. Let’s get after it today folks!
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Our strength work today is finding a 1RM Split Jerk, followed by a superset of Rollback Tris and Landmine Rows. Focus on using the legs to pop the bar off the shoulders, driving the hips straight down, picking up the front foot and shooting it forward.
- Metcon: Rounding out our session today with new BP Benchmark "SNAFU", a straight-up burner of DB Hang Power Clean & Press.
Split Jerk
1RM in 7 sets. Rest 2:00
- Goal: 5# PR
- Last tested 6/5/20
L1: 7 x 3 Push Jerk working on technique or Strict Press
B1) Rollback Triceps
3 x 10-12. Rest 45s.
- Perform on the floor, not on the bench.
- Take 1 sets to build to work weight
B2) Elbows Out Landmine Row
3 x 8-10 each. Rest 45s.
- Take 1 sets to build to work weight
50 DB Hang Power Clean + Push Press - 50/35
- Goal: TOUGH effort, all out war. Goal is to finish this sub 5:00
L3: (40/25)
L2: (30/15)
L1: (20/10)