WOD: Thursday 210819
Cool shirt Staver. Someone pretty cool probably go it for you.
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Building off of last week's work, similar rep ranges but look to add a few lbs on both lifts as long as you aren't sacrificing speed and or form. Percentages based off your number from two Monday's ago, but if your watt output on the bike was low during the warm-up then drop your % for today's work. Building on your working weight in the RDLs as well, focusing on a strong posterior shift, and not exceeding the active range of motion.
- Metcon: BP Benchmark WOD "Tugboat", last performed on 4/29. Power cleans should be light today, of course maintaining good form throughout all 50 reps, pulling the bar to your shoulder and flashing the elbows through. The time cap is tight on purpose, you'll have to hustle if you want to beat it.
Front Squats
3 x 3 @3-5% heavier than last week, every 90s.
- Goal: Max speed on each rep
- Take 3 sets to build to work weight
3 x 8-10. Rest 90s.
- perfect slow & controlled reps with a moderate load.
- 5-10# heavier than last week
- Take 2 sets to build to work weight
2 Rounds for time:
25 Power Cleans (115/75)
25 Bar Facing Burpees
- Goal: Hard effort, sub 10:00. Power cleans should be LIGHT.
*Last tested 4/29
L3: (95/65)
L2: (75/55)
L1: (DB Hang Power Cleans 30/20s) (Up downs)
Banded Facepull-apart
100 quality reps.
- sets of 15-20