WOD: Monday 240325

The Open may be over, but muscle ups are still on the menu.

• Coaching Notes

We are working into a fun workout today with the emphasis on gymnastics strength and skill progressions working into some heavy front squats from the floor as well as Bar Muscle-Up Skills and progressions. The first piece is meant for us to build up to a heavy complex of the Squat Clean + Front Squats as well as layer in our gymnastics skill progressions and have athletes feel out some different progressions or hone in on the ones that they feel will warm them up or get them closer to their goal of reaching the Bar Muscle-Up. For newer athletes, focus on movement patterns, mechanics and skill development with the fundamental skills listed. By targeting these between each set of Squat Cleans and Front Squats we can really help develop athletes as well as allow them time to build up to a heavy of the complex before working into a more moderate load from the floor. The plan for the workout is to find scaling and modifications that allows athletes to get somewhere in the range of 1:00-1:30 minutes on the Echo Bike. Looking to adjust loading and skills to target that as the primary stimulus for the day.

gymnastics + Weightlifting

Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:

10 Bar Kip Swings

1x [ 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats ], pick load

3 Toenail Bar Muscle-ups

1x [ 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats ], pick load

3 Bar Muscle-up Hip Pop Swings

1x [ 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats ], pick load

2 Banded Hip-to-Bar Drills

1x [ 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats ], pick load

2 Banded Bar Muscle-ups

1x [ 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats ], pick load

1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats- building from 70% of Squat Clean to Heavy for the Day

metcon: "Inception"

4 rounds, 3 mins each, for max reps of:

10 Bar Muscle-ups

10 Front Squats, 185/125 lbs

Max reps in remaining time Bike Calories

Rest 1:30


Every 1 min for 15 mins, alternating between:

Kettlebell Russian Twist, pick load, 30 secs

Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Horn Curl, pick load, 30 secs

Hanging Straight Leg Raise, 30 secs

Banded Lat Pull Down, 30 secs

Rest 1 min

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